Hindi Mehndi Course

आई मेकअप क्या होती है और इस मेकअप में कौन-कौन सी प्रक्रियाएं शामिल होती है ?

वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्स की हेड ट्रेनर मिस दीपाली महाजन ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो में यह बताया कि उनके इंस्टीट्यूट में आए सभी स्टूडेंट्स का यही सवाल होता है कि आई मेकअप क्या है और इसमें कौन-कौन सी प्रक्रियाएं शामिल होती है | आइये जानते है क्या होती है आई मेकअप :- 


आई मेकअप एक ऐसी प्रक्रिया होती है जिसमे मेकअप के माध्यम से आंखों में कलाकृतियां की जाती है, जो आमतौर पर आंखों के पलकों के क्षेत्र में किया जाता है या फिर आंख के क्षेत्र में किया जाता है या फिर आई ब्रोव्स के पास किया जाता है | यह प्रक्रिया इसलिए किया जाता है ताकि आपकी आंखें और आई ब्रोव्स को निखारा जा सके | 


अब अगर बात करें की कौन-कौन प्रक्रियाएं आई मेकअप में शामिल होती है तो जब भी आई मेकअप की प्रक्रिया की जाती है तो इससे जुड़ी ऐसी कई बातें होती है, जिसको याद रखने के साथ-साथ उस बात का ध्यान रखना भी बेहद ज़रूरी होता है, जैसे की आई मेकअप के माध्यम से आंखों को सही आकार देना | हर व्यक्ति के आंखों के आकार विभिन्न प्रकार के होते है, जैसे की पहले आकार में आता है आलमंड या फिर बादामी के आकार की आई शेप | 


इस आकार में व्यक्ति की आंखों का शेप बादाम की तरह होता है और इन आंखों का  आकार में काफी विशाल होती है, जब भी इन आंखों में आई मेकअप किया जाता है, तब यह आंखें उभर कर सामने आती है | ऐसे और भी आई मेकअप से जुड़ी कई तरह की प्रक्रिया के बारे में इस वीडियो में बताया गया है | 


यदि आप भी ब्यूटीशियन में महारत हासिल करना चाहते है इसमें वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्स आपकी मदद कर सकता है | इस संस्था में हर तरह के ब्यूटीशियन कोर्स में ट्रेनिंग दी जाती है, जैसे की मास्टर ट्रेनिंग इन केमिकल पीलिंग, कंटेंट पीआरपी थेरेपी कोर्स, मास्टर ट्रेनिंग इन लेज़र हेयर रिमूवल, मास्टर ट्रेनिंग इन बोटॉक्स, डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी, सर्टिफिकेशन इन मेकअप ब्राइडल एंड कम्प्रेहैन्सिव, सर्टिफिकेशन इन स्किन केयर, सर्टीफिकेटिन इन हेयर डिजाइनिंग, सर्टीफिकेटर इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी आदि शामिल है | इसलिए आज ही वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्स में अपने आप को एनरोल करे और इस संस्था से जुड़ें | 


इससे जुड़ी अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्स नामक यूट्यूब चैनल पर विजिट कर सकते है | यहाँ आपको इस विषय संबंधी संपूर्ण जानकारी पर वीडियो मिल जाएगी |    

मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र
Cosmetology Courses
  • October 23, 2024


मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र

वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्स के यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो के माध्यम से मिस भारती ने यह बताया कि उन्होंने एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र वीजेएस वोकेशनल…

Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade
  • October 19, 2024


Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade

Finding the right shade of foundation is necessary for a flawless look. The right foundation is no less than a friend to your skin. Before finding the right one, it…

मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी
PRP therapy
  • October 15, 2024


मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी

वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्सेज के स्किन एंड हेयर की कोर्स इंस्ट्रक्टर मिस प्यारी ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो में यह बताया कि उनके संस्था में कई तरह के…

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    Mehndi Course

    The art of airbrush cosmetics.

    People prefer cosmetic procedures to enhance their beauty. People prefer courses in skin care to enhance their beauty and skin care. Many people are suffering from skin problems. People prefer cosmetic treatment for skin problems. The courses for skin care are preferable for today’s generation, as they give a bright future, and in this modern era, Makeup courses in Vizag are very common. 

    The Skill of Airbrush Cosmetics

    The goal of airbrush makeup is to create a flawless, long-lasting appearance that is ideal for special occasions like weddings. The results of a cosmetics application technique that uses an airbrush gun are very amazing. This explains why airbrush makeup is so sought after:

    • Globular Application: One of the distinguishing features of airbrush makeup is its special globular application method. Using an airbrush gun, it is applied as an extremely fine mist to the skin, leaving a tiny, barely perceptible film.
    • Versatile Styles: There is no one-size-fits-all method when it comes to airbrush makeup. You can apply different kinds of makeup, from lighter, everyday appearances to more elaborate and heavy styles, by adjusting the airbrush pressure. It’s a method that changes to fit your artistic vision.
    • Various uses: Airbrushes are essential in the field of theater, film, bridal makeup and even sunless tanning. It is a flexible ability that leads to a variety of chances in cosmetics. 
    • Immaculate Finish: The airbrush’s thin mist of makeup leaves an even, silky finish free of cakiness or noticeable brush strokes.
    • Long-Lasting: The durability of airbrush makeup is well-known. It is resistant to the heat, tears, and long celebrations that come with doing makeup for weddings and other special occasions.

    Why do people choose to make studios for training courses?

    The airbrush courses are meant to provide you with the skills and practical knowledge required to succeed in the field of makeup artistry. Makeup Studio Training Centre is your best option for the following reasons:

    • Professional Guidance: Skilled makeup artists who oversee our courses will walk you through every stage of the airbrush makeup process.
    • Practical Experience: We think that learning comes from doing. Our courses provide hands-on training so you may become confident in your abilities.
    • Extensive Curriculum: To ensure that you receive a well-rounded education, we cover a wide range of topics, from using equipment to producing distinct looks.
    • Certification: On successful completion, you will receive a certification that certifies your proficiency in airbrush makeup.

    What are the advantages of airbrush makeup? 

    A summary of the advantages of airbrush makeup:

    • Perfect Finish Both In Real Life and in Photos
    • Natural Appearing
    • Complete Coverage, Lightweight, and Invisible
    • For All Skin Types, Water Resistant
    • Lasts the Entire Day; No Touch-Ups Are Required
    • Never Seems Crusty or Allergic
    • Hygienic

    What are the career pathways after completing the course on airbrush makeup? 

    • Film and television industry: Speaking of high-definition photography, the film industry also loves airbrush makeup. The flawless finish you get from airbrush makeup means digital blemish removal and filtering will be minimal in post-production.
    • Style: Airbrush makeup is also beneficial to the fashion sector. It is on the runway for an editorial photoshoot. Airbrush makeup holds up even under the unforgiving lights and cameras. 
    • Theater: A theater show often lasts 2-4 hours. Just like runway models, theater actors will work up a sweat as they rush around under the bright stage lights.

    The airbrush courses are beneficial in different ways. The Skin Care Institute in Andhra Pradesh also offers knowledge about skin care products. Enroll in VJS vocational courses to study vocational courses. 

    मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र
    Cosmetology Courses
    • October 23, 2024


    मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र

    वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्स के यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो के माध्यम से मिस भारती ने यह बताया कि उन्होंने एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र वीजेएस वोकेशनल…

    Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade
    • October 19, 2024


    Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade

    Finding the right shade of foundation is necessary for a flawless look. The right foundation is no less than a friend to your skin. Before finding the right one, it…

    मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी
    PRP therapy
    • October 15, 2024


    मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी

    वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्सेज के स्किन एंड हेयर की कोर्स इंस्ट्रक्टर मिस प्यारी ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो में यह बताया कि उनके संस्था में कई तरह के…

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      Diploma in Cosmetology Makeup Mehndi Course Skin care

      What role does professional training play in becoming a successful makeup artist?

      It is a universal truth that beauty often captures more attention whether you relate it to human beings, scenic views and monuments. Similarly, nowadays, making yourself attractive and maintained has become trendy. Everybody wants to look ravishing in front of others to attain more attention. So, you may not be wrong if you say this is the only reason that brings the makeup and cosmetology industry to its peaks. If you also want to build your career in this field, you are most welcome to adopt the Cosmetology Courses in Visakhapatnam.

      Moving further, if you have a keen interest in doing makeup, you can also enrol your mane into the Makeup courses in Vizag as there is no endpoint for the makeup industry. As per recent research, it will expand its boundaries rapidly and may become one of the biggest industries in all fields. So, students who want to be a part of this industry must polish their skills and attain full-fledged knowledge about how they can show their creativity with makeup brushes and cosmetic products.

      Why is professional training necessary to become a successful makeup artist?

      If you are double-minded with your decision to enrol yourself in the beautician courses, your confusion may resolve after reading the below-mentioned vital points:

      • Start right and earn big: Well, there are more chances of success if you complete your beautician course or training from any reputed and well-known institution and professional. It will widen the path of opportunities. There are more chances that you will be a part of any big beautician organization and serve yourself as a professional makeup artist. Additionally, you can begin your beauty cafe or saloon and earn as much as you want if professionals train you.
      • Latest tools & products: You may already know that a variety of products and tools are part of the makeup kit. So, all big beauty parlours and saloons look for professionals who have keen knowledge about using the latest cosmetic products and equipment that comes into action while doing makeup. So, to become a professional makeup artist, you must learn about the latest cosmetic developments and tools that are a significant part of makeup kits.
      • Expert guidance: Whether you are doing a certificate course or diploma, or makeup course, if professionals train you, you will never be defeated in your upcoming life. Whether you are unknown to the industry or have some knowledge of how to use brushes and other cosmetic products, experts always teach you everything perfectly so that you will not suffer in the future while becoming a successful makeup artist. They also teach you how you can handle everything creatively.
      • Theory and practical: Professionals always pay more attention to the valuable work along with theory. Their main motive is to teach you everything practically so that you will create theory answers by yourself during exams and become a successful makeup artist. Students with hands-on experience do not lose their confidence while going for final exams and jobs.

      Are you looking for the best institute to help you become a professional beautician? You are in the right place; the VJ’s Vocational Courses are the best option to enrol your name if you want to learn everything about makeup from the bottom.

      मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र
      Cosmetology Courses
      • October 23, 2024


      मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र

      वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्स के यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो के माध्यम से मिस भारती ने यह बताया कि उन्होंने एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र वीजेएस वोकेशनल…

      Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade
      • October 19, 2024


      Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade

      Finding the right shade of foundation is necessary for a flawless look. The right foundation is no less than a friend to your skin. Before finding the right one, it…

      मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी
      PRP therapy
      • October 15, 2024


      मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी

      वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्सेज के स्किन एंड हेयर की कोर्स इंस्ट्रक्टर मिस प्यारी ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो में यह बताया कि उनके संस्था में कई तरह के…

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        Mehndi Course

        The Ultimate Mehndi Art And Design Course For Your Bright Future

        The beautician course in our institute gives you so many opportunities to venture into different fields, including the Mehendi courses in Vizag. Apart from that, we also have the facilities of other classes including make-up, hair stylist and so much more.

        For that, you are firstly required to enroll yourself in your desired field and then excel in the said course. We make sure to give high-quality facilities under the guidance of skilled trainers.

        Why Should You Select A Mehndi Course?

        • There are different functions and festivals throughout the year.

        Mehndi is one thing that will forever stay in the culture of India’sIndia’s functions and festivities. You can venture throughout the yeast without sitting ideal, and if you excel in your job, you are more likely to get more projects.

        Indian festivities are a proud function. Women and men tend to go out of their way to get ready and pay tribute to the function with some mehndi art. This is the time of the year when you get to showcase your talent and earn some good money from it. Some common festivals that Indian people celebrate with a dash of mehndi are Raksha Bandhan, karwa Chauth, Diwali, Eid, and many more.

        • Bridal mehndi all the way


        The big fat Indian wedding!

        It is the time when you can highly showcase your talent and creativity. This is the time when you get a big clean canvas for you to do your magic. Indian weddings are extravagant, and most bride and groom apply henna in their hand because of the tradition. Apart from the bride, you will also be able to apply mehndi on their guests to be a part of the wedding.

        • A growing trend in west

        Are you interested in being famous on an international platform?

        Mehndi artists are in the line to be one!

        Recently, we have seen a great hype around mehndi or henna art in western countries. They like to apply some professional mehndi on their body for some cool concerts. So if you want to dream differently, you can try your hand at this form of art to be a successful artist.

        Who Is The Right Candidate For Mehndi Course?

        Anyone with the will to follow up with this course can enroll in a Beautician Training Institute in Visakhapatnam. 

        • If you have a creative mind

        There are always new ideas and designs in your head then you might be the perfect person to pursue the dream of becoming an artist in a growing field. Creativity never dies, and with time and more skillful classes, you will be able to polish your thought process to a new level.

        • If you want to build your future career

        It is one of the industries in beautician courses, which will never die down after some period of time. Mehndi art will always stay relevant no matter the time and era because of the traditional outlook attached to it.

        Art is Where Work Meets Love

        If you want to love your job, then do contact VJ’s Vocational Courses and train yourself in your desired field with extraordinary classes.

        मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र
        Cosmetology Courses
        • October 23, 2024


        मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र

        वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्स के यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो के माध्यम से मिस भारती ने यह बताया कि उन्होंने एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र वीजेएस वोकेशनल…

        Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade
        • October 19, 2024


        Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade

        Finding the right shade of foundation is necessary for a flawless look. The right foundation is no less than a friend to your skin. Before finding the right one, it…

        मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी
        PRP therapy
        • October 15, 2024


        मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी

        वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्सेज के स्किन एंड हेयर की कोर्स इंस्ट्रक्टर मिस प्यारी ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो में यह बताया कि उनके संस्था में कई तरह के…

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