Beautician Course Bridal Makeup

List some Bridal makeup options that could be Easily Applied at Home

Makeup is a form of artistry for women that enhances their natural features. Some brides on their weddings prefer to have subtle makeup, and others who want to showcase their looks in the best possible way prefer makeup ideas that are unorthodox and unique. The wedding makeup adds a special touch to them on that special day. We, at VJS Vocational Courses, will provide in-depth knowledge with their training and courses, which will help you apply bridal makeup at home. Here are some of the most easy, innovative and creative makeup pieces of equipment that you can use:-

  • The most common and unconventional choice of makeup equipment is the bold lipstick. With this, you will get a traditional look with a soft and neutral touch. Choosing a bold colour will add a pop and a touch of drama to the wedding look. You have a variety of options that can match your accessories and dress, such as red, berry, or even dark plum. If your makeup is perfect and the eye makeup is precise, then bold lipstick is the best option for you.


  • Women who like a bit of sparkly touch in their makeup should use Glitter Eyeliner. It adds a layer of grace to your bridal look. The options for glitter eyeliners are gold or silver, and you can apply these in several ways, like a winged eyeliner or at the lower lash. For a much-balanced look, you can apply it by pairing it with an eyeshadow whose presence is neutral. It is essential to choose a glitter eyeliner that is of high quality and long-lasting so that it can last through the whole wedding without any indication of smudging.


  • For a bold and ecstatic look on the cheeks, you can choose the bold blush wedding makeup idea, which provides a vibrant glow. You can choose the colour by pairing it with your skin colour or the theme of the wedding, like peach, coral or pink. To give a more balanced look with your bold blush, the makeup on your eyes and lips should be perfect.


  • Another in-trend idea for enhancing the bridal look is the Graphic Eyeliner; this is a type of liquid eyeliner that is used for creating sharp and accurate lines, shapes or angles around the eyes of the bride. Women can apply these eyeliners in various styles, such as cat-eye, winged, or geometric shapes, which are based on their preferences. The eyeliner provides a more dramatic and cohesive look if it is complemented with a soft lip colour.


  • The latest addition to the makeup equipment is the Colourful Eyelashes, which will add more pop and lightness to your overall look. There are certain examples that you could use, like mascara or false eyelashes, which are present in various shades such as blue and green, with the purpose of creating a unique effect on your look.


  • Ombre lips are also a great idea for providing a different look, which includes blending multiple shades of lipstick. The gradient and natural ombre lip has a more soft look, while the bold ombre lip has a more edgy and dramatic look to it.


  • Another type of eyeliner is the Neon eyeliner, which is in a variety of colours like pink, orange, green, or even blue. If these bold eyeliners match with your look it could provide a more playful and sophisticated look to your bridal makeup. For instance, if you are wearing a white dress for your wedding, you should consider pairing it with neon pink or coral eyeliner for a more enhanced look.

Every woman wants to look perfect for the wedding day. This is why we, at VJS Vocational Courses, will guide and train you with the best training programs and methods to apply bridal makeup at home. You can ask us at our number, or you can visit for more information regarding the courses.

मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र
Cosmetology Courses
  • October 23, 2024


मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र

वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्स के यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो के माध्यम से मिस भारती ने यह बताया कि उन्होंने एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र वीजेएस वोकेशनल…

Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade
  • October 19, 2024


Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade

Finding the right shade of foundation is necessary for a flawless look. The right foundation is no less than a friend to your skin. Before finding the right one, it…

मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी
PRP therapy
  • October 15, 2024


मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी

वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्सेज के स्किन एंड हेयर की कोर्स इंस्ट्रक्टर मिस प्यारी ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो में यह बताया कि उनके संस्था में कई तरह के…

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    Learn About Hand Waxing at VJ’s Vocational Courses

    VJ’s Vocational Course is the best beautician institute where you can study makeup from a well-trained instructor. We use the simple method to teach the students so that each student learns makeup techniques. We offer various vocational courses, which include hair care, skin care, nail art, facials, waxing and more. 

    We use numerous methods to eliminate unwanted hair, including razors, waxing, and laser hair removal. At-home waxing is the best way to get rid of unwanted hair from the body. For waxing, it is paramount to use the right method that helps to remove hair without pain. When you do not use the right method, it contributes to uneven hair growth that impacts hair follicles. Proper waxing methods can help remove the hair follicles and reduce hair regrowth. 


    In this video, VJ’s Vocational Courses will explain the steps of using waxing methods. Right 

    steps to remove the unwanted hair without irritation. Different types of wax require different types of procedures, which you can learn at the VJ’s Vocational Course. This video explains the method when you need to apply it, how to use it, and removal methods. 

    If you want to learn about waxing and proper cosmetology courses, enrol in VJ’s Vocational Course. We provide a friendly learning environment for each student. Our well-trained instructor provides advanced and practical classes that help you become a master in makeup.

    मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र
    Cosmetology Courses
    • October 23, 2024


    मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र

    वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्स के यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो के माध्यम से मिस भारती ने यह बताया कि उन्होंने एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र वीजेएस वोकेशनल…

    Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade
    • October 19, 2024


    Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade

    Finding the right shade of foundation is necessary for a flawless look. The right foundation is no less than a friend to your skin. Before finding the right one, it…

    मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी
    PRP therapy
    • October 15, 2024


    मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी

    वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्सेज के स्किन एंड हेयर की कोर्स इंस्ट्रक्टर मिस प्यारी ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो में यह बताया कि उनके संस्था में कई तरह के…

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      फेशियल कोर्स क्या है और इसके बारे में सम्पूर्ण जानकारी क्या है ?

      आज के समय की बात करें तो सुन्दर दिखना हर एक की चाहत होती है, और इस चाहत को कुछ लोगों के द्वारा पूरा भी किया जाता है। पर सुन्दर दिखने की शुरुआत जिससे होती है, वो है फेशियल। वहीं फेशियल कोर्स के बारे में और क्या पता होना चाहिए और साथ ही ये हमारे मेकअप में कैसे महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते है और साथ ही फेशियल कोर्स में स्टूडेंट्स को क्या सिखाया जाता है, इसके बारे में आज के लेख में चर्चा करेंगे ;

      फेशियल कोर्स क्या है ?

      • फेशियल एक ही समय में चमकदार और हेल्दी स्किन पाने का एक शानदार तरीका है। इसकी मदद से आप अपनी थकी हुई त्वचा का इलाज आसानी से कर सकते है। फेशियल विभिन्न प्रकार की त्वचा और समस्याओं के लिए तैयार किए जाते है। 
      • वहीं छिद्रों को खोलने और मुंहासों से लड़ने से लेकर झुर्रियों को कम करने और त्वचा को मजबूत बनाने तक फेशियल कई उद्देश्यों के लिए किया जाता है। फेशियल कोर्स में सीटीएम, मसाज, एक्सफोलिएटिंग और बहुत स्किनकेयर स्टेप्स शामिल है, ये सभी आपकी त्वचा को काफी फायदा पहुंचाते है।
      • अगर आप फेशियल कोर्स को सीखना चाहते है, तो इसके बारे में जानने के लिए आपको किसी मेकअप इंस्टीट्यूट का चयन करना चाहिए।

      फेशियल कोर्स को सीखने के लिए क्या योगिता होनी चाहिए ?

      • इस कोर्स को सीखने के लिए आप 12वी पास होने चाहिए या अगर आपने 10वी पास की है तब भी आप इस कोर्स को सीख सकते है। 
      • वहीं इस कोर्स को सीखने के लिए आपके अंदर भी एक लगन होनी चाहिए, और साथ ही थोड़ी बहुत जानकारी इस कोर्स के बारे में आपको होनी चाहिए। 

      फेशियल कोर्स के प्रकार कितने है ?

      • फेशियल कोर्स के सात प्रकार है, और इन प्रकारों को एक-एक करके हम निम्न में प्रस्तुत करेंगे, जैसे ; 
      • पहला है ‘क्लासिक फेशियल’ और इसमें स्किन केयर की ज्यादातर जरूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए एक-शॉट सौदे के रूप में जाना जाता है। यह फेशियल आपके रंग को सुशोभित करता है और सफाई, एक्सफोलिएट और हाइड्रेशन देता है। वहीं उन लोगों के लिए यह फेशियल एक बेहतरीन विकल्प है जो पहले से ही अपनी त्वचा के रंग-रूप से प्रसन्न है। यह उपचार आपकी त्वचा को क्रम में रखने में मदद करेंगे।
      • ‘एंटी एजिंग फेशियल’, मेच्योर स्किन के प्रकारों को एक ठोस स्किन केयर रूटीन देता है। यह उपचार आपके चेहरे की त्वचा को साफ, एक्सफोलीएट, हाइड्रेट और चमकदार बनाने का काम करता है।
      • उम्र बढ़ने के संकेतों से निपटने के लिए ‘एक्यूपंक्चर फेशियल’ पर बहुत ध्यान दिया जा रहा है। इसे झुर्रियों का इलाज करने और चेहरे की लोच में सुधार करने के लिए डिजाइन किया गया है। नेशनल सेंटर ऑफ बायोटेक्नोलॉजी के अनुसार इसमें सिर, चेहरे और गर्दन की मांसपेशियों में सुई डाली जाती है। जबकि आपके चेहरे पर सुइयों को डालने का विचार डरावना हो सकता है, जर्नल ऑफ एक्यूपंक्चर रिसर्च शेयर करता है कि चेहरे के कॉस्मेटिक एक्यूपंक्चर के प्रभावों और लाभों को साबित करने के लिए और अधिक अध्ययन की जरूरत है।
      • ब्राइटनिंग फेशियल हाइपरपिग्मेंटेशन, त्वचा की मलिनकिरण या सुस्त दिखने वाली स्किन से जूझ रहे लोगों के लिए एक बढ़िया विकल्प है। यह फेशियल ट्रीटमेंट मास्क और एसिड उपचार की मदद से स्किन को चमकदार और हेल्दी दिखने में मदद करता है। 
      • आईपीएल फेशियल, की प्रक्रिया में त्वचा पर सीधे प्रकाश ऊर्जा (लेजर) की एक तीव्र किरण का उपयोग किया जाता है। नतीजतन, लेजर बीम बाहरी परत को नष्ट कर देता है, जो समय के साथ कोलेजन वृद्धि को प्रोत्साहित करने और त्वचा की रंगत और बनावट में सुधार करने का काम करते है। यह महीन रेखाओं, निशानों और सूरज की क्षति की उपस्थिति को कम करने का भी काम करती है।
      • माइक्रोडर्माब्रेशन फेशियल, एक गैर-आक्रामक उपचार है जिसमें त्वचा की ऊपरी परत को धीरे से हटाने के लिए एक हैंडहेल्ड डिवाइस का उपयोग किया जाता है। इस फेशियल में आमतौर पर लगभग 30 से 40 मिनट का समय लगता है और एक बार पूरा होने के बाद त्वचा पर मॉइस्चराइजर लगाया जाता है। 
      • हाइड्रेटिंग फेशियल, जैसा कि नाम से स्पष्ट है, की इस प्रकार का फेशियल ट्रीटमेंट आपकी त्वचा को एक नरम और संतुलित अनुभव देने के लिए आपकी त्वचा को नमी प्रदान करते है। यह ड्राई स्किन वाले व्यक्तियों के लिए एक बेहतरीन विकल्प है या ऐसे लोगों के लिए जो हाइड्रेशन के साथ आपकी त्वचा को बढ़ावा देना चाहते है। यह उपचार आपकी त्वचा को वापस आकार में लाने में सहायक साबित होते है।

      अगर आप फेशियल कोर्स को सीखना चाहते है, तो इसके लिए आपको आंध्र प्रदेश में स्किन केयर इंस्टीट्यूट से इस कोर्स को जरूर सीखना चाहिए।

      फेशियल करने के तरीके क्या है ?

      जो लोग भी फेशियल कोर्स को सीख रहें है, उनके लिए ये जानना बहुत जरूरी है की इसको कैसे किया जाता है, वहीं फेशियल करते समय किन बातों का ध्यान रखना चाहिए इसके बारे में हम निम्न में चर्चा करेंगे ;

      • फेशियल करने से पहले ध्यान रखें की आपको अपने चेहरे की सफाई अच्छे से करनी चाहिए, तभी जाकर फेशियल का निखार आपके चेहरे पर उभर कर आएगा।   
      • फिर दूसरे स्टेप में आपको माइल्ड स्क्रब से त्वचा को एक्सफोलिएट करना है, जिससे मृत त्वचा की कोशिकाओं को हटाने में मदद मिलती है, त्वचा में चमक आती है और त्वचा में निखार आती है।
      • तीसरे स्टेप में आपको हल्के हाथों से अच्छे से खुद के चेहरे की मालिश करनी चाहिए। 
      • फिर आपको अपने चेहरे पर भाप लेना चाहिए। 
      • फिर फेस मास्क को आपको अपने चेहरे पर लगाना चाहिए। 
      • टोनिंग को दूर करने के लिए आपको मॉइस्चराइजिंग करना चाहिए। 

      आप विजाग में ब्यूटीशियन कोर्स की मदद से फेशियल कोर्स को आसानी से सीख सकते है।

      फेशियल करने के टिप्स क्या है ?

      • फेशियल करने से पहले आपको अपनी त्वचा को पहचानें की कोशिश करना चाहिए। 
      • स्पा या मेडिकल फैसिलिटी पर भरोसा रखें। 
      • अपने चेहरे पर फेशियल के लिए एक टारगेट को जरूर बनाएं। 
      • चेहरे पर, सनस्क्रीन लगाएं। 
      • फेशियल के बाद एलर्जी होने पर तुरंत डॉक्टर से मिलें।

      सुझाव :

      फेशियल कोर्स को सीखने के लिए किन बातो का धयान रखना चाहिए, इसके बारे में हम उपरोक्त बता चुके है, वहीं आप चाहें तो इस कोर्स को वी जे एस वोकेशनल कोर्स से भी सीख सकते है। 

      वहीं यहाँ पर इस कोर्स को अनुभवी ब्यूटिशियन की मदद से फेशियल कोर्स व अन्य ब्यूटी कोर्स को सिखाया जाता है। 

      निष्कर्ष :

      किसी भी तरह की चेहरे पर अगर आपके परेशानी आए तो इससे बचाव के लिए आपको डॉक्टर का चयन करना चाहिए, और फेशियल कोर्स को सीखने के लिए किन बातों का ध्यान रखना चाहिए इसके बारे में ध्यान रखें।

      मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र
      Cosmetology Courses
      • October 23, 2024


      मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र

      वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्स के यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो के माध्यम से मिस भारती ने यह बताया कि उन्होंने एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र वीजेएस वोकेशनल…

      Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade
      • October 19, 2024


      Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade

      Finding the right shade of foundation is necessary for a flawless look. The right foundation is no less than a friend to your skin. Before finding the right one, it…

      मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी
      PRP therapy
      • October 15, 2024


      मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी

      वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्सेज के स्किन एंड हेयर की कोर्स इंस्ट्रक्टर मिस प्यारी ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो में यह बताया कि उनके संस्था में कई तरह के…

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        Beautician Course Makeup

        Everything You Need To Know About Different Types of Mascara

        Makeup is such an extensive and complex process; you get varieties in everything and anything, and on the basis of your occasion or style, you would have to choose the right options for the perfect look.

        That’s why at VJS Vocational Courses, we offer the best online beautician courses with the help of which our students are able to get proper knowledge about all the beautician courses and processes.

        In this post, we are going to talk about a small yet most important part of the makeup process, which is Mascara and the different types of it.

        What is a Mascara?

         Mascara is a type of cosmetic application that is applied on the eyelashes with the help of which you can get thick and well-defined eyelashes easily. Nowadays, you can find a lot of varieties in Mascara on the basis of their shapes, sizes, and colors as well.

        If you want to learn more about makeup and other such things with the help of an online makeup course in Vizag, then VJS Vocational Courses is here to help you out.

        Different types of Mascara

         There are various types of Mascara on the basis of their usage; let us have a look at those options:

        • Light Mascara:

        The first type of Mascara is eyelash lighting mascara, with the help of which you can easily create a light eyelash. If you are doing light makeup with which you want to add light mascara style, then this lighting eyelash mascara is the perfect option for you. 

        • Thickening Mascara:

        The next type of Mascara from the list is a thickening mascara, with the help of which you can easily create a thick eyelash line. Here’s a quick tip before using any mascara, make sure to vibrate the Mascara a bit with the help of which you can easily

        • Curling Mascara:

        The third type of Mascara from the list is curling Mascara with the help of which you can add a curl effect to your eyelashes. With the help of this type of Mascara, you can easily make your eyes look bigger and better. Although make sure to pair this type of Mascara with the right type of dress and makeup, you can’t do this Mascara regularly.

        • Smudge-proof Mascara:

        Here is a very efficient and helpful mascara which is known as smudge-proof Mascara; with the help of this Mascara, you will be able to keep a waterproof and active look, no matter if you disturb the Mascara with your hands or clothes; you Mascara will not spread at all.

        This was all about the different types of Mascara, although make sure you are using these mascaras at the right time with the right type of makeup.


         Choosing the right type of Mascara for yourself is a challenging task; we hope with the help of this blog, you will be able to learn about the different types of Mascara that you can wear for various occasions. If you are looking for the best beautician courses, VJC Vocational Courses is the right option for you.

        मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र
        Cosmetology Courses
        • October 23, 2024


        मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र

        वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्स के यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो के माध्यम से मिस भारती ने यह बताया कि उन्होंने एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र वीजेएस वोकेशनल…

        Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade
        • October 19, 2024


        Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade

        Finding the right shade of foundation is necessary for a flawless look. The right foundation is no less than a friend to your skin. Before finding the right one, it…

        मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी
        PRP therapy
        • October 15, 2024


        मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी

        वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्सेज के स्किन एंड हेयर की कोर्स इंस्ट्रक्टर मिस प्यारी ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो में यह बताया कि उनके संस्था में कई तरह के…

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          Beautician Course Skin care

          How Can Learning from Top Beauticians Propel You to Success?

          They say that learning from the best can propel you onto your success journey. Well, they are not incorrect. Learning from the best beauticians and skin care experts can have a huge impact if you want to enter the beauty industry, 

          The beauty industry is emerging so fast, creating many more opportunities for career options. One of them is beauticians; beauticians are the ones who professionally learn makeup techniques and are certified by an institute.

          If you are interested in joining a course in beauty and skincare, then you can join the Beautician Course In Vizag. You are provided with high-quality training under some of the best and most popular skincare gurus so that you become the beautician that you dreamed of.

          Nowadays, Skin care has become an indispensable part of the beauty industry. So naturally, the demand for good skin care professionals has also skyrocketed simultaneously, creating a world of opportunities for aspiring beauty and makeup professionals. 


          Anybody who is interested in learning about skin care can enroll in various courses offered by Skin Care Institute in Andhra Pradesh. These institutes provide superior quality skin care courses infused with the knowledge of all the up-and-coming trends and practices in the industry. 

          Various skin care training institutes are striving to fill the gap in the quality of skin care learning in the country. The students take guidance from experts and beauty gurus who are well-qualified and have years of experience in the industry. They can teach a student all the nuances and nitty grits of working in the beauty industry.

          Today the beauty and skincare industry provides a lot of services related to skin, hair, and makeup. They provide services like chemical peels for various skin conditions and different types of facials, which give different results to various services related to hair, from hair transplant training to laser hair removal. You can do all these courses and more at these institutes. 

          The make-over industry never slows down. One can become a professional make-up artist and thrive in this huge industry with the correct desire and training. An ambitious beautician can enroll in one of the beautician courses listed above. Taking these beautician courses has a number of perks. 

          The benefits of enrolling in professional Beautician courses:

          • The professional base is solid
          • Job fulfillment
          • Learning
          • Acquiring knowledge experience
          • You are your own boss.
          • A broader perspective
          • Apprenticeship
          • Clients with high incomes
          • Creativity is allowed.
          • Never-ending education


          Some of the courses provided by the beautician and skin care institutes are:

          • MicroBlading Courses- Microblading is a semi-permanent tattoo that is used to sculpt, form and reshape the eyebrows. This is done using a hand tool that directly places the pigment into the upper part of the skin. The entire microblading process is done manually.
          • Beautician courses- This is an all-encompassing course providing skills like personal grooming, nail art, skincare, etc. This course has a high success rate.
          • Mehndi Designs courses- In our culture, mehndi has huge importance. People apply mehndi at weddings, birthdays, festivals, and just about anytime. So the students are taught all the important skills and tips related to applying mehndi.


          After successfully completing your course in skin care and beauticians, you can have the following opportunities: 

          • Nail Care Artists.
          • Hair Stylist.
          • Beauty Care Distributor.
          • Salon Sales Consultant.
          • Makeup Artist.
          • Manufacturer Sales Representative.
          • Fashion Show Stylist.


          If you are looking to enroll in some skincare and beautician courses, then you can consider joining VJ’s Vocational Courses. They are the leading institute in providing the best skin care and beautician courses at affordable prices.

          मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र
          Cosmetology Courses
          • October 23, 2024


          मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र

          वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्स के यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो के माध्यम से मिस भारती ने यह बताया कि उन्होंने एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र वीजेएस वोकेशनल…

          Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade
          • October 19, 2024


          Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade

          Finding the right shade of foundation is necessary for a flawless look. The right foundation is no less than a friend to your skin. Before finding the right one, it…

          मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी
          PRP therapy
          • October 15, 2024


          मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी

          वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्सेज के स्किन एंड हेयर की कोर्स इंस्ट्रक्टर मिस प्यारी ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो में यह बताया कि उनके संस्था में कई तरह के…

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            Beautician Course

            What Are the Types of Hair Stylist Courses? Eligibility, Course Durability, Fees

            If you want to learn hair styling by joining any institute, you should know all about the courses, such as what type of course and time durability. Hair styling course, in which you learn with professionals for hair grooming. This courses are designed to provides you with information regarding hair, like types of hair, hair products, hair care, cutting, hairstyle, etc if you want to know more about this course then you can enroll in Hair Styling Courses in Andhra Pradesh.

            One also learns how to make a unique hairstyle with flowers, braids, knots, and buns and how to adjust jewelry, hair extensions, etc. There are some tools for using hair grooming to become unique hair styling. 

            • Sectioning 
            • Curl tool 
            • Pressing curls, 
            • Pressing hair
            • Blow dry
            • backcombing

            Hair styling course for beginne

            There are three types of hair styling courses for beginners such as

            • Basic hair styling course
            • Advanced hair styling course 
            • Professional basic to advanced hair styling course

            You also get advanced knowledge when you take courses in basics, such as knot and bow, flower setting, jewelry sets, learning the skill type of hair, hair extension, combing, grooming, fishtail, braids, etc.  

            Basic hair styling course

            Basic hair styling course, in which you learn basic and also advanced hair styling such as

            • Understand styling terms
            • Knowledge about products and styling tools 
            • Learn the skill to recognize types of hair
            • Usage of hairclips
            • Hair sectioning 
            • Backcombing method
            • Application of tong curl
            • Blow dry methods 
            • Styling according to occasions, etc. 

            Advanced hair styling course

            Advanced hair styling course in which students learn types of braids such as French braids, Dutch braids, rope braids, pull-through braids, fishtails, etc. And also learn advanced hair styling 

            • Combing methods
            • Straightening method 
            • French-based braids method
            • Art of curling hair
            • Bridal hair styling, such as messy buns and buns
            • Foreign hair styling 
            • Grooming hairstyle
            •  Using hair styling tools, etc. 

            Professional basic to advanced hair styling course 

            Professional basic to advanced hair styling course in which students learn how to manage and use the tools to make a creative hairstyle when your clients feel satisfied with your hair styling. Advanced and basic courses teach some skills, such as 

            • Apply to hair jewelry
            • Understanding haircare and hair product
            • Match mix hairstyle 
            • Symmetrical and unsymmetrical hair design 
            • Marketing and client management skills for hair styling
            • Braids hairstyle
            • Bridal hairstyle 
            • Hairstyle for fashion, etc. 

            Duration of the hair styling course 

            Do you know what every course takes to complete? Such as three months or six months. One year. If you want to learn hair styling, you can learn it in 1 week or a month. The hair styling course is divided into short-term, long term and advanced. If you want to learn advanced methods, then this course takes one month. Basic and short term take one week.


            • You have done 10th and 12th when you want a hair styling course certificate. 
            • If you want to graduate, you should pass 12th and get diploma certificates related to this subject.
            •  For post-graduation in hair styling, you should pass in 12th and also a bachelor of degree related subject. 


            If you want admission to an institute for hairstyling before taking admission, first check and inquire about the course cost. If you live in India, this course costs 20,000 to 40,000 for beginners, but it depends on the courses you want to learn.

            How to make a career in hair styling course

            To become a famous hairstylist, you should improve your communication, learning skills, and creative mind to make a successful career. When you do a hairstyle according to your clients, she is satisfied and often comes, attracting other customers. If you become a hairstylist, you may go to film and TV shows, 

            fashion, marriage, parties, etc. You can build your career through 

            • Salon 
            • Beauty Parlour
            • Hair Stylist for celebrities
            • Hair styling trainer 
            • Work as a freelance hairstylist

            Beauticians teach all courses to the students, such as haircare, skincare, and nail arts. If you want to become a makeup artist, you can enroll in a Beautician Course In Vizag. They provide complete guidance from fees, courses, durability, eligibility, etc. 


            मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र
            Cosmetology Courses
            • October 23, 2024


            मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र

            वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्स के यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो के माध्यम से मिस भारती ने यह बताया कि उन्होंने एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र वीजेएस वोकेशनल…

            Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade
            • October 19, 2024


            Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade

            Finding the right shade of foundation is necessary for a flawless look. The right foundation is no less than a friend to your skin. Before finding the right one, it…

            मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी
            PRP therapy
            • October 15, 2024


            मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी

            वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्सेज के स्किन एंड हेयर की कोर्स इंस्ट्रक्टर मिस प्यारी ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो में यह बताया कि उनके संस्था में कई तरह के…

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              Beautician Course Makeup

              How to Keep Your Makeup Kit Clean and Organized

              Makeup is an incredible method for communicating one’s thoughts and upgrades one’s natural features. Whether you’re a makeup enthusiast or just somebody who uses it occasionally, it’s important to keep your makeup kit clean and organized. A disorganized and messy makeup kit not just makes it trying to find what you want but also prompts the growth of bacteria, causing skin infections and breakouts. In this article, we’ll share a few tips on how to keep your makeup kit clean and organized, so you generally look and feel your best.

              1. Start with a Clean Slate

              Before you begin organizing your makeup kit, make certain that everything is clean. Remove any outdated, expired, or broken products from your home. Check expiration dates and keep note of when you opened each product.

              1. Sort Products by Category

              Once you’ve disposed of any unnecessary products, now it’s time to sort the products you have left into categories. This can involve foundations, eye shadows, lipsticks, etc. It will make it easier to find the products you really want while you’re dealing with a specific look.

              1. Use Containers and Organizers

              Using containers and organizers can be a helpful approach to keeping your makeup kit clean and organized. You can utilize organizers to sort your products by category or by brand. Containers can be used to store more modest products like lipsticks, mascaras, and eyeliners.

              1. Label Everything

              It might seem like an additional step, however, labeling is particularly helpful while you’re working with a large group of clients or doing makeup for an occasion.

              1. Clean Your Products Regularly

              Cleaning your makeup products regularly is essential for keeping up with great hygiene standards. This incorporates cleaning your brushes and sponges, wiping down your palettes, and sanitizing your products regularly.

              1. Store Your Kit Properly

              Legitimate storage is important for keeping your makeup kit clean and organized. Try to store your makeup kit in a dry and cool spot, away from direct sunlight. This can assist with keeping products from melting, becoming damaged, or terminating too early.

              By following these tips, you’ll have the option to keep your makeup kit clean and organized, which will help you work all the more productively and keep up with great hygiene norms. Thus, you’ll have the option to establish yourself as an expert in the business, which can help you stand out and attract more customers.

              If you’re keen on choosing a career in the beauty business, online beautician courses can assist you gaining the skills and knowledge you want. Beautician course is a great choice for the people who need to learn from experienced experts in the business. These courses offer a range of topics, including makeup application, skin care, and hair styling, among others.


              At Vjs Vocational Courses, we understand the importance of keeping your makeup kit clean and organized in the beauty industry. By following these tips and registering for a beautician course in Vizag, you’ll have the option to lay down a good base for yourself as an expert in the business and attract more customers.

              मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र
              Cosmetology Courses
              • October 23, 2024


              मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र

              वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्स के यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो के माध्यम से मिस भारती ने यह बताया कि उन्होंने एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र वीजेएस वोकेशनल…

              Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade
              • October 19, 2024


              Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade

              Finding the right shade of foundation is necessary for a flawless look. The right foundation is no less than a friend to your skin. Before finding the right one, it…

              मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी
              PRP therapy
              • October 15, 2024


              मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी

              वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्सेज के स्किन एंड हेयर की कोर्स इंस्ट्रक्टर मिस प्यारी ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो में यह बताया कि उनके संस्था में कई तरह के…

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                Beautician Course

                How Online Beauty Courses Can Transform Your Career

                Online learning has transformed the way we acquire knowledge and build new abilities in today’s fast-paced digital society. This is especially true in the beauty business, where online beautician courses have grown in popularity among aspiring beauty professionals.

                This blog post explores the transforming capability of online beauty courses, whether you are a seasoned beautician attempting to grow your skills or somebody keen on entering the universe of beauty. We will take a look at the advantages of taking a beauty course online and how it might shape and upgrade your career in an organization with conspicuous experts and professionals in the field. If you are ready to take your beauty career to a higher level, keep reading!

                Flexible Learning at Your Fingertips:

                One of the main benefits of online beauty courses is the adaptability they offer. Customary physical beauty schools frequently require fixed plans and physical participation, which can be trying for people with occupied ways of life or different responsibilities. Online beauty courses, then again, give the opportunity to learn at your own speed and comfort. With 24/7 access to course materials, you can study at whatever point and any place suits you. This adaptability permits you to adjust your own and professional commitments while seeking your energy for beauty.

                Comprehensive Curriculum and Specializations:

                Online beauty courses are intended to give comprehensive preparation in different parts of beauty, including skincare, makeup application, hair styling, and nail art, and the sky is the limit from there. These courses offer an organized curriculum that covers principal procedures, industry drifts, and high-level abilities. Moreover, numerous online stages give particular courses that permit you to jump further into explicit areas of interest.

                Interactive Learning and Practical Experience:

                In opposition to famous confusions, online beauty courses are not restricted to theoretical information alone. Driving online stages utilize inventive instructing techniques that work with interactive learning and practical experience. Through video tutorials, live showings, virtual studios, and interactive tasks, you can acquire involved experience and refine your abilities under the direction of experienced beauty professionals.

                Access to Industry Experts and Support:

                While signing up for online beauty courses, you’re not left to explore the learning venture alone. Respectable stages focus on mentorship and support by giving access to industry experts and experienced instructors. Through virtual homerooms, conversation gatherings, and one-on-one counsel, you can seek direction, clarify some pressing issues, and get important criticism.


                Online beauty courses have upset the manner in which people seek their energy for beauty and set out on successful careers. With adaptability, a comprehensive curriculum, interactive learning, and access to industry experts, these courses give a transformative learning experience.

                Whether you’re a hopeful beautician or an old pro, online beauty courses offer the tools and assets to take your career higher than ever. At VJS Vocational Courses, we are committed to giving top-quality makeup courses In India that empower people to open their maximum capacity in the realm of beauty. Take the jump and transform your career today!

                मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र
                Cosmetology Courses
                • October 23, 2024


                मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र

                वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्स के यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो के माध्यम से मिस भारती ने यह बताया कि उन्होंने एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र वीजेएस वोकेशनल…

                Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade
                • October 19, 2024


                Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade

                Finding the right shade of foundation is necessary for a flawless look. The right foundation is no less than a friend to your skin. Before finding the right one, it…

                मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी
                PRP therapy
                • October 15, 2024


                मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी

                वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्सेज के स्किन एंड हेयर की कोर्स इंस्ट्रक्टर मिस प्यारी ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो में यह बताया कि उनके संस्था में कई तरह के…

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                  Beautician Course Botox training

                  Everything You Need To Know About Botox Certification Course

                  Whenever people seek the best, most easy-to-learn, non-invasive, and most-in-demand online beautician courses, Botox certification tops the list.

                  But what makes the botox certification course Vizag’s most popular makeup course?

                  In this blog, we will discuss everything you need to know about the Botox certification course and why people are opting for this course.

                  If you are also planning to learn about Botox procedure using a course, this is a must-read blog.

                  Training Period For Botox Certification

                   Although botox is one of the most in-demand certification courses, you would still have to spend a lot of time learning this course and getting a proper certification before offering botox services to your customers.

                  When we talk about the training period for botox certification, the comprehensive course completes within 2-3 days only, within which you can learn about the procedure, steps, and many more.

                  But after that, you would have to take a step towards the practical application of the course. So whenever you contact VJS Vocational Course, you will be given theoretical and practice information to help you become an experienced botox practitioner after course completion.

                  More About The Syllabus of Botox Certification

                   With the help of a botox certification, you can learn about botox injection and other such treatment options. Not just that, you can learn plenty of things, such as:

                  1- The first additional thing you will learn about is the assessment procedure in which you can consult your patients and know their requirements. Later, you can do your own research to figure out how to carry forward the procedure and who is a suitable patient for the different types of treatments available.

                  2- The second thing you will learn in the botox certification course is the skill to understand the benefits and complications linked with botox treatment. Again, this is going to be extremely helpful for you, as you would be able to know where and where not to perform the botox treatment to get rid of any complications.

                  3- Within the certification course, you would be able to understand plenty of things about facial anatomy, musculature, safety, risk factors, and many more such things. By learning all these aspects, you could become a botox treatment professional who can handle clients and provide them with exceptional results safely.

                  Botox injection treatment has a high demand in almost every country, and that has become the primary reason behind more medical professionals opting for botox certification courses online.

                  The Best Botox Certification Course

                   If you want to become the best botox professional, you need to select the best botox certification course. At VJS Vocational Courses, you get the best botox certification course with the direct advantage of learning from experienced botox professionals.

                  मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र
                  Cosmetology Courses
                  • October 23, 2024


                  मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र

                  वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्स के यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो के माध्यम से मिस भारती ने यह बताया कि उन्होंने एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र वीजेएस वोकेशनल…

                  Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade
                  • October 19, 2024


                  Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade

                  Finding the right shade of foundation is necessary for a flawless look. The right foundation is no less than a friend to your skin. Before finding the right one, it…

                  मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी
                  PRP therapy
                  • October 15, 2024


                  मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी

                  वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्सेज के स्किन एंड हेयर की कोर्स इंस्ट्रक्टर मिस प्यारी ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो में यह बताया कि उनके संस्था में कई तरह के…

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                    Beautician Course Chemical peel

                    The Different Types of Chemical Peels and Which One is Right for You

                    Although chemical peels have been known for centuries, they have come a long way significantly from the time when the skin was exfoliated with sour milk or vinegar. Chemical peels come in a wide variety today, each with its own set of advantages and factors to take into account.

                    It can be challenging to decide which is best for you. VJS Vocational Courses can help with that. Our chemical peel training course in Vizag will teach you about various types of chemical peels and how to choose the best one for your clients.

                    Our beautician course In Vizag can help you broaden your skill set whether you’re a seasoned professional or just getting started. Our course can help you improve and learn new techniques and improve your career prospects and stand out in the industry.

                    The most important phase in picking the right chemical peel is to consider your skin type and specific skin concerns. There are three types of chemical peels: superficial, medium-depth, and deep. Let’s take a look at each one.

                    Superficial Chemical Peels

                    Superficial chemical peels are the mildest sort of peel, and they’re frequently utilized for patients who are new to chemical peels or who have extremely delicate skin. These peels utilize a gentle corrosive, for example, glycolic corrosive or salicylic corrosive, to shed the peripheral layer of skin delicately.

                    Medium-Depth Chemical Peels

                    Medium-Depth chemical peels are a move forward from shallow peels regarding their force. These peels utilize a more grounded corrosive, for example, trichloroacetic corrosive (TCA), to infiltrate further into the skin and eliminate more layers of dead skin cells. Medium-Depth peels can be more viable for treating moderate kinks, skin break out scars, and other skin flaws.

                    Deep Chemical Peels

                    Deep chemical peels are the most escalated sort of peel, and they’re regularly held for patients with more serious skin concerns. These peels utilize an extremely impressive corrosive, like phenol, to enter Deep into the skin and eliminate a few layers of dead skin cells. Deep chemical peels can be exceptionally successful in treating Deep kinks, serious skin inflammation scars, and other huge skin blemishes.

                    Selecting the Right Chemical Peel for You

                    Now that you comprehend the various kinds of chemical peels, how would you pick the right one for you? The initial step is to plan a discussion with an authorized aesthetician or dermatologist. They can assess your skin type and concerns and suggest the best kind of peel for your requirements.

                    If you’re new to chemical peels or have exceptionally delicate skin, a shallow peel might be the most ideal decision. If you have more huge skin concerns, a Medium-Depth or Deep peel might be more suitable.


                    Consider the capabilities and experience of the supplier playing out the peel. Chemical peels ought to just be performed by authorized and experienced experts. If you’re keen on figuring out how to perform chemical peels, consider signing up for a chemical peel training course in Vizag.

                    मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र
                    Cosmetology Courses
                    • October 23, 2024


                    मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र

                    वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्स के यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो के माध्यम से मिस भारती ने यह बताया कि उन्होंने एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र वीजेएस वोकेशनल…

                    Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade
                    • October 19, 2024


                    Steps You Should Follow While Choosing The Right Foundation Shade

                    Finding the right shade of foundation is necessary for a flawless look. The right foundation is no less than a friend to your skin. Before finding the right one, it…

                    मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी
                    PRP therapy
                    • October 15, 2024


                    मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी

                    वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्सेज के स्किन एंड हेयर की कोर्स इंस्ट्रक्टर मिस प्यारी ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो में यह बताया कि उनके संस्था में कई तरह के…

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