Cosmetology Courses Makeup

What you should do and don’t do on your next salon visit during COVID?

Do and Don’t on your salon appointment

COVID-19 has changed the entire situation and many things have been halted. As we need to practice social distancing and that too for our own and everyone’s safety.

No doubt, we need to self-groom ourselves even in this tough time. From eating healthy food to looking good everything is important. If you are worried about how you can visit the beauty parlor during COVID, then these are the tips that you should keep in mind. Moreover, if you are getting the at-home service then these tips need to be followed at every cost.

What should I don’t do?

  • Allergic to anything

If you are allergic to anything then do not visit a salon or even if you are allergic to some kind of odor.

  • Visit right after getting a health issue

You should never do this. It is better to wait for some time after having a health issue. Moreover, do not visit the salon when you are not fine

  • Have flu symptoms

If you have COVID-like symptoms or flu, then do not visit a salon or get at-home salon service.

  • Touch the surface

When you visit the salon, make sure to do not touch any of the salon surfaces with bare hands or take any brush in your hands. It is better to wear gloves and afterward dispose of them correctly.

  • Keep on adding the service

Do not make such a mistake. Stick to what services you have added while booking the appointment. Just get it done and move out.

  • Losing your calm

If the salon refuses to provide some service, keep calm and understand the situation.

  • Visit with a group

Do not take your friends and family along with you while getting the salon service.

  • Making handshake

Do not make handshakes with anyone at the salon.


What should I do?

  • Pre-book your appointment

Rather than waiting at the salon to get your turn. Call the salon and get your appointment book in advance.

  • Wear gloves

Make sure to wear gloves before entering the salon. It’s even better to keep one additional pair with you.

  • Wear and keep a face mask

Make sure to wear a face mask on your way to the salon and even when you are at the salon. Always keep an additional one, if by chance you lose it.

  • Tell beforehand what you need

While booking for the appointment, you should tell them what all services you need to get. This way they can give you fast service and you don’t have to wait.

  • Keep towels

You should carry a set of your towels, it’s for your safety.

  • Hygiene standards

Make sure the salon you are choosing is hygienic and following all the safety measures.

 Stay Cautious and Stay Safe!



मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र
Cosmetology Courses
  • October 23, 2024


मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र

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मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी

वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्सेज के स्किन एंड हेयर की कोर्स इंस्ट्रक्टर मिस प्यारी ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो में यह बताया कि उनके संस्था में कई तरह के…

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    Cosmetology Courses

    What are the topmost tips to get fuller lips without spending extra money?

    Many females out there are envious of one thing when they see their favorite film stars. What is it? The perfect POUT. From Priyanka Chopra to Angelina Jolie, all these beauties let us get awestruck with their looks.

    Although, there is no need to always go to the options like Botox and injections to get that pout. For fuller lips, many other things can work wonders and give the person the results they want. The makeup industry is growing at a fast pace and so do the different techniques & methods of doing makeup.

    In this blog, we will talk you through the ways you can provide your client the fuller lips and that too under the budget. By learning these tips and tricks will make you your client’s favorite.

     Tip 1: Exfoliate

    You can share this tip with your clients to exfoliate the lips while in the shower. Ask them to take a damp toothbrush and brown sugar. Then lightly rub the lips in a circular motion and then they need to wash it off. Once done, apply a lip balm to keep it hydrated. Doing this will help the extra dead cells to scrub off easily.

     Tip 2: Conceal

    Before you put lipstick on the client, make sure to apply the concealer and this provides a proper base. Apply the lip shade. This will give your client a clean look and make it POUT-worthy.

     Tip 3: Liner

    Liner is an important part which most people miss out on. Make sure to always choose the liner which matches the skin and it should not according to the lip shade. Line the lips properly and then apply the right kind of lip shade. Once done, it will provide them with fuller lips which they want.

     Tip 4: Highlighter

    Just the way you highlight the cheeks makes sure to highlight the lips. It will work like magic! Take some highlighter on the brush and dab it over the middle part of the lips. You can even try it on yourself while learning the makeup course from the course instructor. Later, you can use this trick on your future clients to give them fuller and plump lips.

     Tip 5: Go for Matte shades

    With matte shades, it allows fuller and plump lips. Do not go for the shiny shades. In case you want to opt for the glossier option then just dab the shiny part in the middle of the lips. You should never put that on the side.

     Learn the tips and tricks from the best

    Want to become a professional makeup artist or you have an interest in any other cosmetology course/diploma? Enroll in any course of your preference and learn from the professional and skilled course instructor. Take one step closer to your dreams!

    मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र
    Cosmetology Courses
    • October 23, 2024


    मिस भारती ने बताया कि कैसे उन्होंने पाया एडवांस डिप्लोमा इन कोस्मेटोलॉजी में सफ़लतपूवर्क प्रमाण पत्र

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    मिस प्यारी ने दी पीआरपी ट्रीटमेंट के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी

    वीजेएस वोकेशनल कोर्सेज के स्किन एंड हेयर की कोर्स इंस्ट्रक्टर मिस प्यारी ने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल में पोस्ट एक वीडियो में यह बताया कि उनके संस्था में कई तरह के…

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